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Lost and Found: Video
LAF logo.png

Lost and Found

This is Lost and Found!

My second year film; heavily inspired by video game nostalgia and childhood cartoons.

I wanted to make something fun and silly since up until this point I'd gotten into the habit of creating more serious projects. I felt that going back to things I enjoyed within my childhood would be a good way to unlock a level of playfulness I really wanted to obtain within my animation work.

Lost and Found: Welcome
L&F colour palette final 2.0.png

Character Design

Designing the protagonist for Lost and Found proved to be incredibly difficult.

I wanted a design that seemed soft and cute but also something that wasn't overly detailed. 

In the end I settled for a design heavily inspired by the video character 'Kirby'. I was a big fan of the game in my childhood and felt that kirby's colour pallet would showcase the right amount of friendliness needed to show the audience who the 'hero' of this story was!

Lost and Found: Welcome


Bellow, you'll find the beatboard for Lost and Found.

At this point in time (as the project continues) I'm not sure how true to the original board the story will stay. However I do believe this is a good start to the project and will be referring back to this at the origin as I move forward.

Lost and Found: Text
Lost and Found: Work

Project Breakdown

Below you will find the statement of intent I wrote when I first started the project. It includes inspirations, initial designs, and a break down of the overall plot line!

Lost and Found: Text
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